I first made this recipe with one of my food heroes, Black Axe Mangal's Lee Tiernan - and it turned out to be the most next-level ‘fish finger’ I’ve ever had!! We used dulse seaweed with Welsh lamb and made a mint sauce dip, but this time I'm getting my goat on with a McDonald's sweet curry sauce-inspired dip. The goat meat from ‘Cwt Caws’ on Anglesey is sublime. Totally free-range life, unreal depth of colour and beautiful fat marbling. OFF-THE-HOOK FLAVOUR! SURF AND TURF, BABY.
Dulse (seaweed)
Goat shoulder
Place the meat in a roasting tin before making a simple marinade to go with it using garlic, oil, pepper, sea salt, dulse and wakame.
Cover the whole lot with Welsh beer!
Tuck the shoulders under some baking paper and wrap the lot in foil. Place in the oven for 3 hours on 170C.
When the shoulder blades come out smoothly, you know you’ve nailed it!
Let the meat cool down and line some baking tins with paper.
This is the most tender meat you'll ever see... separate it and place it in the tins with the seaweed. Top it up with the liquid from the roasting tin - that’s the beer and fat that’s rendered and fused with the salty seaweed.
Cover them in baking paper and press them down with another baking tin and a couple of cans before placing in the fridge over night.
Use flour, eggs and panko breadcrumbs mixed with oats to cover the slices of meat before frying them on medium heat.
Once they’re in the frying pan, let them develop a crust on each side (about 1 minute)
Once they’ve had a minute on each side they’re ready.
To go with them, make a sweet and spicy curry sauce with apricots, apples and coconut milk before blitzing it until it’s creamy - just like a next-level chip shop curry sauce!
Scrumpets cig gafr a gwymon
Hwn ydi'r 'fish finger' mwya’ next level dw i erioed wedi cael!
Dulse (Gwymon)
Ysgwydd gafr
Iawn ta - scrumpets time! Rhowch y cig mewn tun a g’neud marinade syml i fynd efo fo - garlleg, olew, pupur, halen môr, dulse a’r wakame.
I fynd dros y cyfan - ‘chydig o biar Cymreig amdani!
Tycio’r ysgwyddau gafr efo baking paper a lapio’r cyfan efo foil cyn rhoi o yn y popty ar wres o 170C am 3 awr.
Ma’ hwn yn surf and turf next-level go iawn. Pan mae’r shoulder blade yn dod allan yn smooth - ti’n gwybod ti ‘di nailio hi!
Tra mae’r cig yn oeri, dwi’n leinio tunia’ pobi efo baking paper.
Hwn ydi’r cig mwya’ tender dw i erioed wedi gweld - torrwch fo’n ddarna’ a’i osod o yn y tunia’ efo’r gwymon.
Pan mae’r tunia’ wedi eu llenwi, topiwch nhw fyny efo’r hylif. Hwnna ydi’r biar a’r fat sydd wedi rendro a fusio efo’r gwymon hallt ‘na.
Wedyn, cyfro fo efo mwy o baking paper a pwyso nhw lawr efo tun arall a cwpl o cans cyn rhoi yn y ffrij dros nos.
Defnyddiwch blawd, wyau a panko breadcrumbs wedi cymysgu efo ceirch i gyfro sleisys o’r cig cyn ffrio nhw ar wres canolig.
Unwaith maen nhw yn y badell, gadewch iddyn nhw developio crust ar bob ochr (tua munud bob ochr).
Unwaith maen nhw ‘di cael tua munud dda bob ochr, maen nhw’n barod i ddod off y gwres.
I fynd efo hwn, g’newch curry sauce spicy a melys efo apricots, afalau a llefrith coconut wedyn blitzio fo fel bod o’n creamy - fatha curry siop chips next level!